Despite the second leg of the trip (from Seattle to Anchorage) getting started an hour late, I got here in plenty of time to settle in a bit. While moving the desk to plug in my computer my back hit the large picture on the wall and--though it was supposed to be "locked" to the wall--it came crashing down behind me, smashing the glass. I'm sure the neighbors must have thought some heavy-metal band was trashing the room!
Orientation dinner was great; got to meet everyone tonight--about 40 people (including the leader and the two lecturers). Most are from the Planetary Society and UCLA alumni, but some have never heard of either! Handed out aurora sweatshirts (featuring a photo by yours truly) and an aurora book by Dr. Syun-Ichi Akasofu of UA Fairbanks.
Tomorrow, breakfast at 06:00, then on the bus at 08:00 for the drive through Sitka Spruce forests to Seward. Always a fun trip, and I'm sure many will have questions about their cameras and photography, so I'll be quite busy on the way down and back.
Good luck, looking forward to read more.
Thanks P-M. So far a fun trip... now all we need are some lights! --Dennis
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